Color Coding :
New Business Cycle, Appreciation
Equals Inflation.
Appreciation Greater Than Inflation,
under 10%. Foundation of The Bubble.
Runaway Appreciation. Creation of The Bubble,
between 10% and 20%.
Bubble's Peak, over 20%.
Market Stalling, Plateau,
Year-Over-Year Appreciation Stops.
Year-Over-Year Appreciation approaches 0%.
Bubble Busted, Recession, -ve appreciation.
Recovery, +ve appreciation again.
Small Decline.
New Business Cycle, Appreciation
Equals Inflation.
[ Or is it? It seems more like an extension
of the Current Business Cycle. Like the Last
Cycle, prices should have dropped in the Red.
But thanks to low interest rates, speculators
and investors. A Bubble starts turning into
a Mega Bubble.]
Foundation of The Mega Bubble,
upto 10%.
Creation of The Mega Bubble,
between 10% and 15%.
Mega Bubble's Peak, Over 15%.
Compare this with Southern California's
Business Cycles :
Southern California : The 1992 Recession