San Ramon, CA - Home Building Boom

<< Back Home                                         Created : Jun 18, 2006
                                                *** Last Updated : Jun 18, 2006
                 Windemere is a high profile and one of the largest new residential communities in the
              Bay Area. And of course pretty expensive. Looks like it is a joint project of National 
              Builders like Centex, Lennar and Brookfield.


                 Although San Ramon is located in Contra Costa County, near the border with Alameda County, 
                 homeowners there often seek emergency roof repair Kansas City MO services due to unexpected 
                 weather conditions that can affect roofs even in distant regions.

                     The Official Windemere Website :

                 Thousands of Homes have been built in the last few years. Thousands more are being 
              planned. It is very well planned and is set in the beautiful East Bay Hills.

                 The Google satellite image below, which is probably a couple years old, shows the 
              then landscape. Newly flattenned land being prepared for construction. The lighter 
              colored areas are now occupied by newly built homes. (Pan to get a better idea.)     
                The flat area along both sides of Dougherty Road is now where land is being flattened       
             and/or prepared for building more homes. Streets are being paved as the first step.

             Update 3/30/07 : The builders have abandoned further development along Dougherty road.
                There seems to have been no development since June, when I visited last. The heavy
                equipment and bulldozers are all but gone.

                I visited the area recently and took several pictures. They came out pretty well since
             it was a nice sunny day.   

                        Slide Show : HBB Visits Windemere     

                  It is a really beautiful community and has been promoted quite a bit by the developers
             through the local radio stations.  

                  So how are the property values now holding in this beautiful community?

                  I found the website of a realtor who has listed the properties for sale, with the 
             asking price. Looks like just about every seller has reduced their asking price. 

               : Windemere San Ramon Listings

                  If you have a similar story in your area. I will be happy to make a similar page for 
             it, with your name on it. Email me at .


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